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10 Tips & Tricks to Optimize Data Capture in your next Clinical Trial

Want to save time and enhance your clinical trials? Learn how to take your data capture to the next level thanks to our tips and tricks.

How to create customized edit checks by using an eCRF designer? How to capture data on multiple devices with interfaces? How to use a safety mailing system for SAE reporting? How to save time by using standard and customized reports?

All these questions and more will be answered by our two experts who will give you all the tools you need to take your data capture to the next level.

Come join us on August 11th!

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Meet our speakers

This live session is hosted by Nicole KUISLE, Global Head of Customer Success & Simon TAYLOR, Executive Director Product Management.

Both are part of the EvidentIQ group and have an extensive career and expertise on data capture that can only translate in an opportunity for you to learn more.

We hope you and your colleagues will join us!
Seats are limited!

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PS. If you can’t attend the live event, register now to get access to the recording of this webinar.

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